Moments That Count has been developed and funded by Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited and is intended for a UK general public audience.

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It's time we talked

The importance of dialogue in cancer care

Crucial Conversations are an essential but often missed part of breast cancer care. They are a moment that counts in a patient’s breast cancer journey, whether that’s between patients and their doctors or across the healthcare team. ‘Crucial Conversations’ might be an honest conversation with a breast cancer patient about issues with intimacy or menopause or a discussion about biomarker testing. It might also be ‘Crucial Conversations’ between HCPs about a particular patient’s care.

As part of our Moments that Count campaign, Novartis hosted a live virtual event intended to spark debate and discussion, shining a light on the importance of ‘crucial conversations’ in breast cancer care, and exploring what these look like as we move towards greater collaboration across the NHS system.

Panel Event Objectives:

  • Creating 'Crucial Conversations' to improve patient care in breast cancer
  • Providing insights from a patient perspective on 'Crucial Conversations' with HCPs and the conversations that may be missed during care
  • Discussing the impact of 'Crucial Conversations' in the wider healthcare system
  • Talking about the role of life sciences in facilitating 'Crucial Conversations'


The panel was moderated by Jacqui Thornton, award-winning health journalist and previous Health Editor of The Sun and health correspondent of The Sunday Telegraph.

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We invited 5 panellists to share their experiences with ‘Crucial Conversations’ in breast cancer, including three patient advocates, a medical oncologist and Novartis UK’s Country President.

marie-andree gamache
ellen copson
helena boyce
lisa fleming
juliet fitzpatrick
mary huckle
laura middleton-hughes

Watch the full conversation

If you found this Crucial Conversation interesting, why not enjoy the full version now? There are plenty of additional interesting topics that didn't quite make the final cut, but you are sure to learn a lot from this insightful bunch.

You know you best

Make your next appointment count

Your healthcare team is your best resource throughout your treatment. Talk openly and often with them about your doubts, questions and concerns. We have developed a guide to support you in having these conversations with some tips to help you find the information you need.

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UK | January 2024 | 262539-1





Moments That Count has been developed and funded by Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited. It has been created in collaboration with secondary breast cancer patients whose knowledge and insights have informed the content and direction for the campaign.

This website is part of a programme that is funded by Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited. Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited is a private limited liability company registered in England and Wales under number 119006. Registered office 2nd Floor, The WestWorks Building, White City Place, 195 Wood Lane, London, W12 7FQ. Use of this website is governed by our Terms of Use and the Cookies and Privacy Policy.

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If you get side effects with any medication you are taking, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in the information leaflet that comes in the pack. You can report side effects via the Yellow Card Scheme at By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of your medication.

©2024 Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd - UK | August 2024 | 124182-4 This site is intended for a UK general public audience.